School Bus Routing with TIMS...
. . . The Transportation Information Management System (TIMS) is a unique collaboration between the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) and the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) at North Carolina State University. It is an ongoing statewide project that concentrates on maintaining and improving upon efficiency in school bus transportation at the district level. Each district operates standardized, comprehensive computer-assisted school bus routing and scheduling software. By maintaining student, transportation and street network data at the local level, district personnel have access to the most accurate and current data available. TIMS Support Staff at NCSU and UNC Charlotte provide daily software and technical support to individual TIMS data managers across the state. Continued here...
The Service Indicator Report
Optimization tools in TIMS are used to improve the efficiency of transportation services. In addition to the benefit derived from the optimization tools, uniform reporting from TIMS makes possible the production of LEA‐level and statewide data. In this document, data from all LEAs have been collected and summarized. The goal is to give school transportation providers and local policy makers a tool that will help them assess the quality of the services they provide.
TIMS & Infinite Campus - January 2025 UPDATE
North Carolina is in the process of switching Student Information Systems from PowerSchool to Infinite Campus. Half of the state was converted during Phase 1 in July 2024 and the second half of the state will convert during Phase 2 in July 2025. Information about Infinite Campus, including a list of Phase 1 and Phase 2 LEAs can be found here:
A DPI Memo concerning data preparation and cleanup can be found here.
Phase 2 LEA Information – Converting to Campus in July 2025
Below are links to a PowerPoint from January 16th, 2025 covering Interactions between TIMS and Infinite Campus with special sections focusing on Phase 2 LEAs as they Prepare for Conversion.
- TIMS Webinar Presentation
- Webinar Recording & Webinar Recording Password: YmR2bv$$
TIMS & Infinite Campus Training Documents and Instructions
Below are several Support and Training Documents Related to interactions between TIMS & Infinite Campus. They are separated into two groups… Working within Infinite Campus and Working within TIMS.
Working within Infinite Campus
Working within TIMS
January 2025 Presentation from NCEd Connect Symposium
The TIMS Presentation, Interactions Between TIMS & Infinite Campus, from the 2025 NCEd Connect Conference was designed for Infinite Campus Coordinators and School Data Managers to learn more about TIMS in general and what all is possible within the New SIS regarding School Transportation.
The Presentation can be found here
TDTIMS- November 2024 Data Collection
TDTIMS is DUE by Friday November 15th, 2024.
The TDTIMS Audit is a Comparison of Planned Bus Routes in TIMS to real world data from the TD2 and TD2R submitted to NCDPI by the Transportation Director. The purpose of TDTIMS is to ensure computerized bus routes are a close approximation of the routes being performed daily. If so, then TDTIMS data can be used in the annual funding allocation process for your LEA and will be included in the Annual Pupil Transportation Service Indicators Report.
If not submitted on time, DPI may contact LEA Finance Officers the week of November 18th regarding the late submission and the potential financial impact to the Transportation Budget. If your LEA is in need of or has already requested an extension from DPI, please let TIMS Support Staff know of any approved extensions of the Fall Reporting Deadlines.
TDTIMS DIAGNOSTIC for Student Stop Distance
Introduced during the 2022-2023 School Year, LEAs still need to review and correct any incorrect\irregular Stop Distances identified via the NEW DIAGNOSTIC for Student Distance to Bus Stop. A deep dive into Historical TIMS Data uncovered some bus riders being assigned to stops that are many miles from their home and clearly incorrect. The issue is primarily related to the lack of an Alternate AM/PM Location for students riding the bus to/from a non-home address. Without the Alternate Destination Addresses properly managed, TIMS indicates some children are walking 10+ miles to their assigned bus stop. The Stop Distance Diagnostic will identify students with extreme stop distances so TIMS Operators can research and correct these invalid assignments prior to submitting TDTIMS. A detailed breakdown of this new diagnostic can be found in the TDTIMS Materials Section below.
2024-2025 TDTIMS: Downloading the TDTIMS Workbook & Processor
Due to county-level restrictions accessing some LEA TIMS Servers directly, each LEA will need to download the TDTIMS Workbook and TDTIMS Processor for the 2024-2025 School Year. TIMS Support Staff emailed the Primary TIMS Coordinator a link to a Google Drive containing the files needed for Completing TDTIMS. If you did not receive the email or link, please contact TIMS Support Staff at NCSU-ITRE or UNC Charlotte (
TDTIMS Overview Presentation & Webinar Recording
2024-2025 TDTIMS Documents and Materials
- Downloading the TDTIMS Workbook
- Preparing for TDTIMS
- TDTIMS Diagnostic: Student Stop Distance
- Instructions for Submitting TDTIMS
Please Contact your TIMS Support Office at NCSU-ITRE or UNC Charlotte for questions, concerns or assistance with all things TDTIMS.
2024 TIMS Planning Webinar
TIMS planning Webinar from February 28th covering the variety of successful strategies used to properly plan for Summer School and Back to School Bus Routes for August
ITRE-TIMS Webinar:
Planning Checklist & Talking Points (LINK)
Webinar Recording (LINK) (Access Password: t9SYy%jK)
The Webinar Covers the Following Topics:
Fall Planning
• Managing Expected Ridership
• Reassessing Transportation for All Students
• PowerSchool Student Transportation Screen
• Preparing Preliminary Back to School Routes
• Bell Times & Arrival/Departure Windows
• Bus Route Analysis, Improvements and Driver Shortages
• TIMS Student Promotions & YET DataSummer School Operations & Data Collection
• Summer School Locations and Irregular Student Assignments
• Custom Student Screens in PowerSchool for Summer Transportation
• Collecting True Summer School Ridership Information
• Preparing Preliminary Summer School Routes
• Finalizing Bus Routes and Preparing for Day 1 of Summer School
Future Planning Sessions are Listed Below:
April 10th: LEA Planning Session #2 - Promotions, Rollover & Summer School
May 8rd: Summer School Data Management & Bus Route Preparation
July 10th: LEA Planning Session #3 - After YET and Day 1 Route Prep
TIMS Training Survey and Registration Links for All Classes Scheduled through July 2024 can be found
here (LINK)
Additional Webinar Recordings and PowerPoints will be posted as they become available.
September 2023 TIMS Webinars
TIMS eSQL Tips & Tricks – September 6th, 2023
The TIMS-eSQL session covered many of the common and daily processes within eSQL such as working with Students, Stops, Runs and Routes, Report Options, General Route and Data Management, etc.
This link is to a copy of the TIMS Routing Concepts document typically distributed to New Users. Page 3 contains an outline of the eSQL Tips & Tricks discussed and demonstrated during the Webinar.
FALL Route Reviews – September 7th, 2023
This NEW COURSE was designed for Transportation Directors and Primary TIMS Staff to understand the variety of ways and different strategies to maintain updated school bus routes and passenger lists throughout the year. This webinar provided an overview of some best practices and methods throughout the state and discussed different methods based on local operations and procedures, available technology, etc.
This link contains some general talking points about Fall Route Updates as well as a variety of options, methods, TIMS Reports and Spreadsheets that can help Transportation DepartmentsNew TIMS Extract Method - Began February 2021
Due to North Carolina switching to the Core Contacts section in PowerSchool , the TIMS Extract must now be acquired from the Data Export Manager in PowerSchool instead of the traditional NCDPI Reports Section.
Below is the Announcement from PowerSchool Support from Friday, January 22, 2021. It contains instructions for Local PowerSchool Coordinators to complete.
Links for PowerSchool Coordinators:
Links for TIMS Operators:
Safeguarding school buses: Rail crossings critical
Modern school buses are some of the safest vehicles on the road, but even these sturdy conveyances can be at risk in a collision with a train. Coordination between two N.C. state agencies helps give more information to school bus drivers across the state to help prevent this kind of accident.
Nearly 13,000 public school buses operate in N.C. counties that have railroad tracks, and more than 50 percent of these buses cross a railroad track at least once a day. For buses that cross railroads, the average number of crossings is nearly six a day. In dense urban districts with lots of tracks, the average number of daily crossings for buses can exceed a dozen. Adding all those crossings statewide totals nearly 45,000 times each school day, and those buses carry more than 600,000 students, with an average of 14 students on each bus at the time of crossing. Article continues here
** Important RR crossing Webinar conducted on 8/18/2016 - click here to access
download the webinar powerpoint presentation
Archived Articles of Interest
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools survive DNC without major bus woes
- School Busing: Budget Cuts Change Services - Kevin Hart
- Charlotte fire prompts additional school bus inspections - Kevin Hart
NC Case Studies on Routing Efficiencies
- Avery: Developement of Snow Routes
- Johnston: Rerouting Buses after Hurricane Matthew
- Currituck: Reduced 3 buses; longest rides reduced by nearly an hour
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg: Parked 100 buses, Consolidated 11,000 stops
- Pender: Reduced 3 buses; data-based decision making
- Henderson: Reduction of 1 bus and 1200 miles for ONE elementary school
- Cabarrus: Reduction of 53 buses AND average ride times
- Watauga: Savings of an estimated 84,042 miles and 828 hours of driving time
Relevant Links & Documents
- TIMS Best Practices
- TIMS SQL and SQL Server Information
- Transportation
- TIMS Typmposium Presentations
- Using TIMS to examine Stops, Runs and Routes to increase Fuel Efficiency
- Using TIMS' Simulation & Optimization Modules to Develop Efficient Transportation Plans
- NCDPI Transportation Bulletin on Fuel, Policy and TIMS
Technical Training and Support provided by: