State Contracts & Specifications
State Contracts
- State Contract for Service Trucks
- State Contract for Service Bodies
- State Contract for School and Activity Buses, 42,54,66,72 capacity
- Vendor Complaint Form (generic)
email completed forms to the current Contract Manager noted on the State Contract
NC School Bus Specifications Committee Members
Type A School Bus / Activity Bus 14/22 Passenger
- 2017: Specifications: Type A 14, 25, 30 Passenger Activity Bus (June 2017)
- 2008: Specifications: Type A 14,21 Passenger Activity Bus (Feb. 2008)
- 2004: Specifications: Type A 14,21 Passenger Activity Bus (Nov. 2004)
- 1998: Specifications: Type A 14,21 Passenger Activity Bus
Type C Conventional Bus 42/54/66/72 Passenger
- 2024: Specifications: Conventional Bus (May 2024)
- 2019: Specifications: Conventional Bus (August 2019)
- 2015: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Oct. 2015)
- 2013: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Nov 2013)
- 2011: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Nov. 2011)
- 2009: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Sept. 2009)
- 2007: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Nov 2007)
- 2006: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Jun. 2006)
- 2005: Specifications: Conventional Bus (May 2005)
- 2004: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Apr. 2004)
- 2002: Specifications: Conventional Bus (Jan. 2002)
Tires and Parts
- New Tires and Tire Services (August 2023)
- School Bus Brakes and Other Automotive Supplies (State Term Contract 060A)