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In the biennium budget approved by the General Assembly,  there is $690,000 per year for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 to deploy Stop Arm Cameras throughout the state. This was funded using some of the savings from increasing the school bus replacement mileage and designated for this technology based on positive experience in testing Stop Arm Cameras. This testing has involved DPI, ITRE, several LEAs with funding from the Governor’s Highway Safety Program.

The annual amount was calculated based on ($3000 per camera system) x (2 systems per LEA) x (115 LEAs – including cities).

1.    Since the North Carolina requirement is to be able to identify the offending motorist, the system must be able to identify the driver and should have a minimum of three external camera heads: one facing the front, one facing the back and one “straight out the side” with a shot perpendicular to the side of the bus. 

2.    This appropriation is not vendor specific.  During the initial pilot project, the only system that was demonstrated to the DPI/ITRE team that provided the clarity and images that are required was from Fortress Mobile. A bid to establish a convenience contract for other vendors was issued from DPI’s contracts office and awarded in January, 2014.

3.    An LEA may supplement these funds to purchase a system that ALSO has interior cameras.

4.    To receive funds, an LEA must file THIS REIMBURSEMENT FORM along with a copy of the purchase order. No requests for 2014-2015 funding after February 15, 2015.

(Prices include installation)

(report available at

Fortress Mobile
Sample Video
Sample Photo
$3000.  System Included:
3 External Cameras (IP) Recording at 1280x720res
1 Internal Camera (Analog) Recording at 720x480res (mounted in windshield viewing area in front of bus)
Cabling, Wiring, Panic Button with HDD Dock Station & Viewing Software

NOTE: Schools can spend extra to add internal cameras (up to 3) at $ 150.00 per camera and add a 4th external IP at $395.00  (best used if vehicle has stops on 4-lane highways).  The 4th IP Camera can also be mounted inside if requested.

Vendor Contact Information:

Frank Bowden
VP, Sales
Fortress Systems International
3801 Rose Lake Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28217
MAIN: (704) 405-5000 Ext. 1230
FAX: (704) 927-6058
CELL: (704) 281-1868
Web Info:


Sample Video
Sample Video
Sample Photo
$2999. System includes
Model: Gatekeeper Systems Student Protector SP322 and 508HD DVR
5 exterior camera stop arm system


$4300. Same as above PLUS 304 SD DVR and 4 S370 Interior Cameras.

Vendor Contact Information:

Gatekeeper Systems Inc
82-446 Harrison Street
Sumas, WA 98295
Katie Wilson, Customer Relations
Direct: (888) 666-4833
Fax: (604) 864-8490
web info:

Sample Video
$2995. System includes:
Model DX12F-8 (Includes 1 HD Camera)
3 Exterior Cameras
5 Interior Cameras

Vendor Contact Information:

SEON Systems Sales Inc
Unit 111, 3B Burbidge St.
Coquitlam BC Canada V3K7B2
Terry Akiyama, President
Direct: (877) 630-7366
Fax: (866) 664-3677
Web Info:

Sample Video
Sample Photo
$2595. Systems includes:
Model  ZTS-3D-VA-SA with 3 exterior cameras

Vendor Contact Information:

Zentinel Inc
650 S. 13th St
Indiana, PA 15701
Larry Vaughn, President
Direct: (800) 357-9709
Fax: (724) 357-9661
Web Info:


For more information on Stop Arm Cameras in North Carolina, refer to the following web pages:










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All content and works posted on this website are owned by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. All rights reserved.