Tim Speer, the best bus inspector in NC, shown here with his wife & son who were present at the award ceremony. Tim will represent NC in Tulsa Ok. at the “America’s Best Bus Inspector” competition later this year.
Tim Speer from the Yadkin County School Transportation department is persistent. He has entered the N.C. School Bus Inspection contest every year since its origin. He placed 2nd in 2005 and went on to a 2nd place finish at the National Technician Diagnostic competition, but was not totally satisfied. Tim wanted to be the best Bus inspector in North Carolina, and earned that honor at the NCPTA conference this month.
For the next two years, even a top three placement was eluding him. “I was getting nervous and putting too much pressure on myself” explains Tim. Tim decided 2008 would be different. He went to the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem N.C. event planning to inspect the bus as if it was another day on the job. After he completed the event, he still had his doubts as he was heard apologizing to one of the judges “I am sorry but I guess I let you guys down again, the defects were tough to find and I don’t think I found enough to win”. Well obviously the defects were tougher for the other 11 contestants. Everyone in the contest who had previously competed concurred that this year seemed to be the toughest yet.
The Benton Convention Center provided a cool, well lit arena for the contest. The buses were specially rigged with 10 defects each by DPI consultants, James Hawkins, Craig Warren, Charles Ball and Randy Henson. A special “thank-you” goes out to Yadkin & Forsyth for providing the buses.
Thirty-One technicians concentrate on the written test consisting of 40 questions developed from the NC Fleet manual, the inspection video & National bus inspection standards.
Finishing 2nd but not far behind was Lebo Raynor from Johnston County. Lebo is another contestant who shows up almost every year but has been denied a top three placement. Lebo will represent North Carolina at the “America’s Best Bus Inspector” competition in September. He will compete in the “diagnostic” competition. The “diagnostic” competition consists of troubleshooting three specially rigged buses within a 15 minute time period per bus.
Lebo Raynor take a few valuable seconds to smile during his inspection of the under hood portion of the competition.
Rounding out the top three is another Johnston County bus technician, Larry Moore. Larry has placed 3rd in two previous contests. Billy Sugg Larry’s boss says “I don’t think Larry is going to retire till he finally wins this thing”.
Larry Moore is trying to find a defect that James Hawkins “rigged” somewhere under the bus.
The top TWELVE best bus inspectors in North Carolina
The rest of the pack in order of completion
Wilkes |
Barlow |
Terry |
Beaufort |
Reed |
Danny |
Johnston |
Barnes |
Jason |
Wake |
Trango |
Ralph |
Onslow |
James |
Haas |
Davie |
Miller |
Jeremy |
Pitt |
Wells |
Dustin |
Cumberland |
Gallimore |
Barry |
Robeson |
Locklear |
Earlie |
Ralph Trango from Wake Co. sits down on the job as he checks out the emergency equipment box.
The onlookers attempt the WAVE as they cheer on the contestants.
Rick Jennings (left) & Randy Henson check the time for a tie breaker. Rick, a former state & national bus inspector champion decided to sit 2008 out and instead provided technical assistance and served as a timekeeper.
Thanks to NCPTA for sponsoring the event year after year. The top three winners received $500 (Speer), $300 (Raynor) and $200 (Moore). NCPTA will also pay expenses for Tim Speer to attend the America’s Best compeition.
Thanks to all of the competitors who took time to participate in the event!
The “best inspection” banners were handed out at the NCPTA opening session in Winston-Salem on June 17th, 2008
Eastern Region-DARE COUNTY


Western Region- HAYWOOD COUNTY
Congratulations goes out to all of the employees for the extra effort it takes to earn the banner!