North Carolina LEAs have started taking delivery of nearly 1200 replacent school buses - a process that will continue for the next few months. The C2 bus, manufactured by Thomas Built Buses, is a new model in the state's school bus fleet. According to Thomas, "every element of
the C2 was designed and engineered to improve durability, reliability,
safety and lifecycle cost." The C2 is produced in a $40 million
state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in High Point.
Thomas Built staff worked closely with Purchase and Contract and DPI Staff to ensure that all specifications were met on the new buses. New
spec items include cohesive friction brakes and a 28" seat back height
(4" more than current), in addition to mulltiplexing, integrated lights
and other C2-specific items. The buses are being prepared by the NC
Thomas dealer, Carolina Thomas, at a facility in High Point - the old
Mendenhall Auto Auction compound.
An information sheet is being provided with each new bus to help
familiarize technicians and drivers with the new vehicle. DPI has also
coordinated training classes at bus garages and at the summer
conference. Vehicles are being set up with a C2-specific maintenance
plan in BSIP, which will be activated shortly after delivery.
Most of the 1186 C2's are being financed through Suntrust Bank. Payments will be made on behalf of the LEA by the Department of Public